On Friday (October 29), Khloe Kardashian took to Twitter to share an unfortunate health update with her fans. The reality star and her 3-year-old daughter, True Thompson, have tested positive for COVID-19.
"Hi guys I wanted to let you know True and I tested positive for Covid," she began her update. "I’ve had to cancel several commitments and I’m sorry I won’t be able to make those happen."
"Luckily I have been vaccinated so all will be ok," she continued. "We will be over here in quarantine and following current guidelines."
This is the second time Khloe has contracted the highly contagious virus. She documented her experience with COVID-19, which she contracted amid the early days of the pandemic in March 2020, during Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
"It was so incredibly scary," Khloe recalled of her experience with COVID during an appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show last year. "I mean, it still is scary, but especially then when the whole world was shutting down and we didn't have really any information or the information we had changed every single day."
"I just was quarantined in my room for like 16 days. We had to wait until I had negative test results for me to leave, and that was the hardest part," she continued. "I mean, I don't care how beautiful of a place you have, being taken away from your child for that long, because I couldn't be around my daughter, that was the most heart-wrenching thing."
Though Khloe has contracted the previously, it seems that True was able to stay safe and healthy during her mom's illness. Hopefully, both mom and daughter are on the mend and will be back to optimal health as soon as possible.